Imx6 droidbox manually
First download IMX6_R13.4_ANDROID_SOURCE_CODE (171 MB). After download, you should get a file named imx-android-r13.4-ga.01.tar.gz that includes the documentation, patches, and Mfgtool for Android 4.0.4. Let's extract it, extract the (default) patches Top of the Boxes I have had this device up and running for several days now, I have done nothing but watch streaming movies & tinker with the XBMC. I am very impressed with this DroidBox iMX6 & Have ordered another for the bedroom. It does everything it says it can do. ${PREBUILT_IMAGE} : compressed prebuilt image (*.img.gz). ${CONTAINER_NAME} : container name (e.g. imx6LBV8040). ${BSP_TARBALL} : BSP tarball (*.tgz). ${BSP_HOME} : home directory of the BSP. ${BDIR} : build directory (e.g. build_x11). $ "imx6q-.dtb",DDR_MB=2048 -. NOTE U-Boot project developers recommend adding any new board to the MAKEALL script and running this obj-y. := mx6.o. NOTE The remaining instructions build U-Boot manually and do not use Yocto Project. 6. Create a shell script (imx6q) Platform --- LTIB settings. System features ---> --- Choose the target C library type Target C library type (glibc) ---> C library package (from toolchain Kernel Header Options *** Kernel Headers (Manually specified Linux version) ---> (3.10.17) linux version Custom PICO-IMX6. Freescale i.MX6 Dual Lite/Quad Processor Onboard 1GB Memory. USB 2.0, I2C, CAN Bus 18-bit Single-Channel LVDS. 4GB eMMC (Optional) (Detailed Testing Instructions can be found in. accompanying Test Guide in disk). PICO-IMX6 Manual Rev.A 1st Ed. After manually doing this - and install the built u-boot.imx and copying the zImage and dtbs to the first partition (starting @ 20480), and install the rootfs in the second ext4 partition (as well as following the eewikii installation instructions). - This succeeded in booting - but I
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